Thursday, 29 September 2016

Trouve un article en francais


Students are asked to find an online French article for tomorrow Friday September 30th.


Kensington Market Trip

Hi everyone,

Students have received trip forms for our trip to the Kensington Market. The cost of the trip is $6 plus 2 TTC tickets.

The trip days are as following:

8 FI A- Thursday October 13th

8 FI B- Friday October 14th

Please return the trip forms as soon as possible.


Monday, 26 September 2016

Géographie-Choropleth Map

Students have learned how to draw and analyze a choropleth map. They were given the population and area of the countries in South America, and they are asked to complete a choropleth map of South America.

Success Criteria:

I have coloured my choropleth map displaying the population pattern of the country.

I have a clear title and legend.

I have answered the question "Quelle conclusion peux-tu décrire à propos de la densité de population en Amérique du Sud?"

My write up uses full sentences that clearly explains my thoughts.

My write up uses specific geographical vocabulary/terms (example: names of places,  population patterns, etc).

My writing is proofread for grammar and spelling errors.

Maps will be collected and marked for both classes on THURSDAY SEPT. 29th.

Bonne chance!

Grade 8 Science Experiment

Please be advised tomorrow we will be going to the computer lab to work on your science lab for today. Please bring your experiment sheet from today. Each group will submit 1 assignment on Monday October 3rd.

Good luck.

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Class Reminders


Please return the Student Verification Forms with any updated information as soon as possible.

HPV Consent Forms (females only).

Picture day is this Thursday September 22nd. Please see advertisement sent home today.


Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Guidance Information

A message from Mr. Daniele: 

Cosburn MS – Guidance Service Schedule
Monday – afternoon only
Tuesday – all day
Friday – all day
My office is within the main office, just next to the announcement counter.
How do students come to see me?
I like to keep it simple.  There are no appointments or formal referral forms.  I simply ask that if you would like for me to connect with a student in your care, that you sign in the student’s agenda on that school day and the time you’ve released the student with your initials. Once I have completed my session with the student, I will initial the agenda and send the student back to class.  Should it be a matter that requires more in depth attention, please email me some details or come see me at some point.
Mandate of the Elementary Guidance Counsellor
Supporting grade 7 & 8 Students 
-          Providing short-term counselling and referrals for further intervention
-          Supporting Student Development within the guidelines of Creating Pathways to Success (Ministry Curriculum – 2013)
Should you wish to discuss my support and service, please reach out to me at your convenience.
Kind regards.
Claudio Daniele, OCT
Guidance Counsellor
Toronto District School Board

Friday, 9 September 2016

Field Trip on September 14th

Dear Parents,

We are attending our first school trip on Wednesday September 14th. We are going to the Air Canada Centre to participate in the Future Goals Showcase event for the World Cup of Hockey.  Then, we will walk to the St. Lawrence Market for lunch. Return to school via TTC.  Permission forms were sent home today and please ensure that they are returned by Tuesday the latest. Two parent volunteers are welcome!   


Thursday, 1 September 2016

Bienvenue :)

Bonjour tout le monde,

Juste un petit mot pour vous souhaiter la bienvenue à mon site-web et à notre salle de classe.

Au plaisir de vous voir en classe mardi,

M. Mastorakos