Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Test de grammaire- lundi le 5 décembre 2016

Il faut étudier:
  • les prépositions et noms de pays et villes (e.x. en France, au Canada, à Toronto).
  • Passé Composé AVOIR ET ETRE (e.x. tu as mangé, je suis parti, elle est tombée)
  • Imparfait ou Passé Composé? Une paragraphe au présent et tu dois  mettre les verbes au passé composé ou à l'imparfait. 

Exercices supplémentaires:

Bonne étude!

Monday, 28 November 2016

Group of Seven Plasticine Relief

Group of Seven Plasticine Relief

For this project you will be exploring relief sculpture using an additive process.  You will be recreating a Group of Seven painting out of plasticine.
·       Choose a group of seven (or Tom Thompson) painting and recreate the image (outlines only)
** Decide what the most critical objects in your painting are and eliminate any unnecessary details.
·       Create a (8 x 10 cm) cardboard relief of your chosen painting, using different heights for the background, middle ground, foreground, and focal point, as shown in class.
·       Create your relief, using plasticine- You must mix colours and shades with your plasticine to create different values.
Hand in your original (Rough Copy) labeled sketch with your Plasticine Relief copy.

Due Date: Last week of December before the Christmas Holidays!  

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Science & Geography Proposition due Tomorrow

Just a friendly reminder that the Inquiry Project's proposition is due tomorrow. One page per each group, it can be written or typed.


Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Grade 8 Inquiry Project

Grade eight geography and science project DUE DATES:

Proposition: jeudi le 24 novembre 2016

Presentation dans la salle de classe: commence le 7 décembre 2016  (jour 3)

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Grade 8 Trip-Salon du Livre

Please submit trip forms for the Salon du Livre by November 25th. It is $6.00 with 2 TTC tickets. Students may wish to bring money to buy a book and/or lunch.


Monday, 7 November 2016

Science Presentations

On Wednesday November 9th science presentations will begin for BOTH classes.

  1. Students are to share with me their google slide by Wednesday morning ( so we do not waste time signing in and out of the chromebook throughout presentations
  2. Presentations shall be between 3-5 minutes
  3. Students have learned how to make an appealing presentation 
  4.  Presentations will go into Thursday but students must share their Google Slide by Wednesday, if not it is subject to late marks.
  5. Rubrics were given out with the assignment, they are to be given back to me for evaluation

Bonne chance! 

Friday, 4 November 2016

Thursday, 3 November 2016


A huge congratulations going out to the Bears for winning the Howling Commando Challenge!! It was a great experience watching my students participate and be active during their lunch time! 

 Félicitations Ben Charlie, Tunde, Molly, Paige, Matthew, Hannah et Harper!!