Teacher: M. Peter Mastorakos Grade 8 French Immersion Cosburn Middle School Telephone: 416-396-2335 Email: peter.mastorakos@tdsb.on.ca Appointments: Please contact me
Friday, 24 February 2017
Onomatopoeia Art BOTH CLASSES
Final art onomatopoeia projects will be due on Friday March 10th. Late marks are subject to late submissions.
Rapport de lecture: mars 2017
Rapport de lecture: Monologue
Vous serez le personnage principal de votre roman. Vous créerez un monologue décrivant votre personnage et racontant ce qu’il/elle a fait dans le roman. Vous devez utiliser la première personne (j’ai faim, je fais etc..). Vous remettrez le monologue et la feuille “Le caractère d’un personnage.” Vous pouvez apporter des accessoires et les choses que vous trouvez nécessaires pour une bonne note.
La durée: 2-3 minutes
Longueur du roman: 250-400 pages.
Les présentations des monologues se tiendront le 3 avril 2017.
8e année: Dance Inquiry Project- Winter 2017
Name : ____________________
For this inquiry project you will be placed into groups of five, where you will research a dance of a specific ethnicity (e.g., French, Indian, Spanish, Greek etc.) and present it to the class. With this project, you will be able to learn about what factors influenced the dance and how it relates to society. You can do this project in English ou en francais.
Success Criteria:
I will be able to:
- Find a dance of a specific ethnicity
- Learn to dance the dance and perform it to the class
- Bring in a song about the dance
- Create a write up ( MAXIMUM 1 page) about the history of the dance ( what social, political, economic factors led to the emergence of this dance?). Include a bibliography APA style.
You will have class time to practice and research the dance. Enjoy and have fun with this assignment!
Charlie, Alison, Mason, Matthew , Ella---> Kalamatiano, Greece
Alex, Ysabela, Ben, Harper, Seaanna ---> Zorba the Greek, Greece
Nola, Attal, Jaidyn, Tibor, Stephanie--> Scarf Dancing, China
Ayesha, Olivia, Eric, Liam G., Hannah --> Salsa, Spain
Alistair, Veronica, Jake, Jazmyne, Molly---> African
Paige, James, Christian, Madison, Liam MC --> Macarena , USA
Tuesday, 21 February 2017
Ryerson Image Centre Trip Tomorrow!
Just a reminder that we are going to the Ryerson Image Centre tomorrow. Please come with 2 TTC tickets a lunch and/or money to buy lunch.
We will be back at school by approximately 2:15.
We will be back at school by approximately 2:15.
Thursday, 16 February 2017
Science Homework
After watching An Inconvenient Truth, showing that Global Warming is happening, it is time to look at a different perspective from the media: that global warming is not real. What is your perspective? Ensure that you have valid points with accurate resources. You may use the information from the film and from your research. Come prepared to debate this topic next science class: Mondary Feb. 27th .
Monday, 13 February 2017
Field Trip Forms
Just a friendly reminder to hand in your field trip forms for the Blue Jays Game and the Ryerson Image Centre.
Friday, 3 February 2017
Devoirs pour lundi
1) Sign permission forms (for the Ryerson Image Centre and the Blue Jays Game)
2) Study the Futur Simple and Conditionnel for the redaction on Monday
3) Finish the 2 French sheets
4) Make notes and complete the questions on H15 for History
Bon weekend
2) Study the Futur Simple and Conditionnel for the redaction on Monday
3) Finish the 2 French sheets
4) Make notes and complete the questions on H15 for History
Bon weekend
How to pay online for a trip

Toronto District School Board is launching School Cash Online, an easy to use,
safe and convenient way for parents and guardians to pay for their children’s
school fees, including agendas, yearbooks and class trips. To
register for School Cash Online, please follow these step-by-step
NOTE: If you require
assistance, select the SUPPORT option
in the top right hand corner of the screen.
Step 1:

you have not registered, please go to the School Cash Online home page https://tdsb.schoolcashonline.com/
and select the “Get Started Today” option.
and select the “Get Started Today” option.
each of the three Registration Steps
*For Security Reasons your
password, requires 8 characters,
one uppercase letter, one
lowercase letter and a number.

A registration confirmation email
will be forwarded to you. Click on the link provided inside the email to
confirm your email and School Cash Online account.
The confirmation link will open
the School Cash Online site prompting you to sign into your account. Use the
email address and password just created with your account.
Step 3: Find Student
step will connect your children to your account.
the School Board Name

the School Name
Your Child’s First and Last Names
Your Child’s Date of Birth
the next page confirm that you are related to the child, check in the Agree box
and select Continue
child has been added to your account
Step 4:
View Items or Add Another Student
you have more children, select “Add Another Student” option and
repeat the steps above. Five children can be added to one parent account.
you do not wish to add additional children, select
“View Items for Students” option. A listing of available items for purchase will be displayed.
“View Items for Students” option. A listing of available items for purchase will be displayed.

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