Sunday, 25 February 2018

Monday February 26th -Bring bluetooth speaker : 8 FIA

Hi everyone,
I will be away tomorrow morning in a grade 8 team meeting. Students will have the first two periods to work on their dance inquiry. Therefore, they can bring their bluetooth speakers to practice.
Also, there are a number of outstanding trip forms for our trip on Friday. Please ensure they are submitted as soon as possible (PDF form on the blog). 

Enjoy the spring weather!

Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Tuesday, 13 February 2018

Dance periods tomorrow Feb 14 -BRING SPEAKER

Just a reminder that we have a double dance period tomorrow. Feel free to bring in a speaker to practice your dances (p 7 and 8).

Refer to post below of success criteria and what is expected.

Bonne chance !

Friday, 9 February 2018

8 FI A Drama

La Confédération 1867

Tu es citoyen(nne) d’une colonie. Créer une publicité qui sera enregistrée à Ottawa le 1er juillet 1867 (c’est une fiction bien sur). Dans le cadre de cette émission tu passeras en revue les événements et les personnages qui ont participé activement à la création de la Confédération. Décris comment ta colonie à réagir envers la Confédération sous les points de vues des citoyens données.

La date limite: le 15 février 2018

8e annee -Quiz d'histoire

Date: mardi le 20 fevrier 2018- BOTH CLASSES

Format: 4 questions ; Jot notes ou phrases completes

Les Grandes Questions

1. Comment la vie a-t-elle changé en Amérique du Nord britannique?

2. Est-ce que la confédération était la meilleure option pour les colonies?

Sois précis, avec des exemples concrets

Bonne étude J  

Friday, 2 February 2018

Look ahead next week

Monday Feb. 5th- Science notes are due BOTH CLASSES (refer to previous posts for outline).
                  -8 FIA Article discussion

 Tuesday Feb. 6th- Histoire - 8 FI B questions due

Wednesday Feb. 7th-By period 7 to submit what dance students will be researching and performing. They will have the two periods to work on it.

Thursday Feb. 8th- 8 FI A Debates  & Grad photos-period 6

Reminder that all homework should be complete to help your learning.