Friday 14 December 2018

Holiday Party 2018

Please write your name and what you will bring for the Holiday Party on Friday December 21st.
Please try to avoid bringing doubles.

Monday 10 December 2018

Last 2 weeks before the break!

As we wind down 2018, here are the important dates that you should take note of:

Tues. Dec 11- French homework on the COD (le, la les) DUE; Drama work period p. 7 & 8; Extra work period after school 3:18-4:00. Students will be asked to leave if no work is being complete. 

Wed. Dec 12-Drama + Geography work periods. Extra work period after school 3:18-4:00. Students will be asked to leave if no work is being complete. 

Thurs. Dec 13-French: Test de lecture: La Cantatrice Chauve

Fri Dec. 14-Work periods!

Monday Dec. 17-GEOGRAPHY INFOGRAPHS DUE; No exceptions as 3 weeks is ample time and they will be sent for printing on Monday afternoon. 
English Poetry Anthology due.

Tues Dec 18- Mackenzie House Trip

Wed Dec 19- Geography Presentations a.m.; hockey game p.m. STEAM Project due 

Thurs. Dec 20- Drama Parody presentations + finish geography presentations

Fri Dec 21- Remaining drama + geography presentations; Secret Santa + party in the afternoon.

Tuesday 27 November 2018

Test de Géographie: le 5 décembre 2018
FI A: P. 3 &4
FI B: P. 1 & 2

Format : 
I.Vrai ou Faux 
II.Remplir les tirets. 
III.Réponses courtes
IV. Réponses longues
Les Grandes Questions:
  1. En quoi la qualité de vie change selon les régions du monde?
  2. Comment l'économie peut contribuer à améliorer la qualité de vie?
  3. Pourquoi est-il difficile d'améliorer la qualité de vie?
     4. Comment on peut améliorer la qualité de vie dans le monde?

Sunday 25 November 2018

Peek at this week

Monday November 26th- Red Path Sugar Factory Trip.

Tuesday November 27th- Geography test review periods; Math test p. 5 & 6.

Wednesday November 28th- AM: East York CI visit: Only for students interested in English program or applying to French Immersion Optional Attendance. Please let me know by Tuesday if you would like to attend.

8FIA to stay in room 125 and to work on Geography project.

Friday November 30th- Leaside HS visit :to leave Cosburn by 8:45; lunch @ 12 at Smart centre Plaza on Laird; Return by 2 p.m.

Next week:

Geography test Wednesday December 5th (both classes)
Ryerson Image Centre-Thursday December 6th - to depart @ 10:15 a.m.

Geography Inquiry Project

 Pour créer des graphiques avec des sources fiables, vous pouvez utiliser Culture Grams. 

Comment utilise-t-on CultureGrams?

URL pour TDSB Virtual Library:

Pour tous les sites web de TDSB Virtual Library, vous devez être connecté à votre compte de TDSB.

La Date Limite: lundi le 17 decembre 2018

Wednesday 21 November 2018

Geo-Derniere Lecon :) :(


2015-2030 : Objectifs de développement durable:

Quels sont les deux objectifs les plus importants pour améliorer la qualité de
vie dans les pays en développement? POURQUOI AVEC DES PREUVES

Comment pouvez-vous aider à améliorer la qualité de vie dans les pays
en développement?

En quoi les médias sont-ils nécessaires aux efforts de développement? Que retirent-ils de ces efforts?

Monday 19 November 2018

Week Update: November 19th

Guidance: Please fill out this important survey for Parents of French students: 

Geographie: Test le 5 decembre: (Format À Suivre)
Pyramide des ages --> mardi le 20 novembre

Francais: Rapport de lecture: jusqu'au 26 novembre

Art: Perspective Art due on December 3rd 2018.

English: Poetry Questions: November 19th; Working on Poetry Anthology

Maths: Package distributed today, you have until next week to complete it. Test on November 28th.

Reminder to please submit all trip forms and to pay for trips online. We have two trips next week, so the earlier the forms the better please.

Tuesday 13 November 2018

Module 2: Les Grandes Questions

Module 2: Les Grandes Questions

  1. En quoi la qualité de vie change selon les régions du monde?
  2. Comment l'économie peut contribuer a améliorer la qualité de vie?
  3. Pourquoi est-il difficile d'améliorer la qualité de vie?

Friday 9 November 2018


lundi le 12 novembre:
-Feuille de geo: Types de systemes economiques et les industries

mardi le 13 novembre:
Tache de geo (8FI A-Kensington; B-East York)
Test de maths

mercredi le 14 novembre: Report Cards go home

jeudi le 15 novembre: TRIP -Please be @ school by 8:15 so we can leave by 8:25 so we can get to the start of the program for 9.

vendredi le 16 novembre: PA DAY :)

Tuesday 6 November 2018

Devoirs de geo:

Choisis deux familles sur GapMinder. Décris
 trois aspects de leurs qualités de vies qui seraient différents de celles des gens
dans une autre famille. Comment te sentirais-tu devant ces différences?  

Rappelle-toi: Quoi est où? Pourquoi là? Pourquoi s'y intéresser?

Tuesday 23 October 2018

Geography Test + Project

Test: le 30 octobre 8 questions , tu choisis 4. 

Les Grandes Questions: 

1. Pourquoi s'intéresse aux structures démographiques et la croissance de population? 2. Comment l’environnement affecte les établissements humains?   3. Pourquoi s’intéresser a l'impact des établissement humains?
4. Comment on peut créer une communauté durable?

Ce qu'on a appris:
-Les différents types de communautés: urbaine/ rurale/ banlieue
-Comment la population mondiale change-t-elle?
-Des phénomènes naturels/le climat: comment ils influencent la population
les pays développé et les pays en voie de développement
Pourquoi les gens migrent? (=migrer: Facteur d’attirance/ d’incitation? Comment les établissements humains affect l'environnement?  -le développement durable
les principes, la croissance intelligente, les defis, et des exemples -->Vancouver)


8 FI   A-

8 FI B-

La Date Limite: le 6 novembre

To read before Kensington Market field trip

Please read the following slide shows before going on Friday. You will have time on Wednesday to read through them in class. They are in order:

Wednesday 17 October 2018

Science Quiz Info

Thursday October 25th:

Format 15 multiple choice questions (True and False as well) 

What you need to know:

-Fluids (what are they? different types, characteristics)
-What is viscosity..examples
-Flow rate
-Density/Buoyancy/ Archimedes' Principle

Sections 7.1 7.2, 8.1, 8.2, 9.2  

Students may bring a calculator.. smart phone is fine but if used for searching up concepts during the quiz, the quiz will be taken away.

Bonne étude!

Monday 15 October 2018

This Week

Art: Molas are due anytime this week. Final deadline is October 19th @ 3:18 PM.

French/Drame: Students are working on a role play assignment. They may film it, or present it live. Due: October 25th.

Students received their 2nd book report. We are going to the library today to look for a book to start to read. Due: November 12th. 

Science: Testing of boats in water will take place on Wednesday. Here is the template for the lab report students will write:

 File and make a copy. It should not exceed two pages.
Lab Due: October 23rd.
Science Quiz: October 25th

Student Vote: for municipal elections will take place on Thursday. Please review the candidates, platforms and who to vote for. We are voting in Ward 14: Toronto-Danforth.

Reminder of our trip to Kensington Market next Friday October 26th. Please pay $7 online and return the form asap.

Thursday 11 October 2018

Science Fluids Update

Penny boat testing will take place on Wednesday October 17th (both classes). Lab assignments can be worked on in class and submitted up until October 23rd. 

Fluids quiz on Thursday October 25th: 

Format 15 multiple choice questions (True and False as well) 

What you need to know:

-Fluids (what are they? different types, characteristics)
-What is viscosity..examples
-Flow rate
-Density/Buoyancy/ Archimedes' Principle

Students may bring a calculator.. smart phone is fine but if used for searching up concepts during the quiz, the quiz will be taken away.

Bonne étude!


Tuesday 9 October 2018

Cette Semaine..

Devoirs pour mercredi:
  1. Rapport de lecture
  2. Feuille de francais (verso)
  3. Science: Density Questions

Devoirs pour jeudi:

  1. Feuilles de géographie
  2. English Creative Story

Tuesday 25 September 2018

Question de Geo

 À l’aide de ce que tu sais à propos de Toronto, et la croissance démographique, prédis la tendance de la population de Toronto. Toronto aura-t-il un taux de croissance positif? Quels facteurs pourraient affecter la hausse ou la baisse de la population? Résume tes prédictions avec des preuves. 

Thursday 20 September 2018


Sign ups for presentations will happen on September 21st.

Les nouvelles:  
Radio Canada-
L’Equipe :

Télévision :
Radio-Canada - CBLFT Chaîne 25
TVA (CFMT Montréal)
TF1 :
France 2 :
France 3 :

Student Council

If you would like to be a candidate for student council, please prepare a short speech (1-2 minutes) en francais ou anglais of what makes a good leader and why you should be the class representative.

I will read your speeches to the class on Friday September 21st, and then hold a vote.   
2 Class representatives will be chosen.

Thursday 13 September 2018

Week 2 Update

Francais- We were looking at verbs in the present tense. A quiz will take place on Tuesday morning.
Students also received their first book report, due on October 10th. We will be looking at summary and main idea writing next week to help them with their book report.

Geography- We started our first unit on Global Patterns and Sustainability. We will be looking at population, urbanization, immigration etc.

Science: Fluids is our first unit.

Art: We will beginning our work on molas. Students were assigned to bring a figure to art class (next Wednesday) and search creative molas online.

Guidance: Mr. Daniele will be introducing himself and what is needed for grade 8 tomorrow morning.

Bon apres-midi!

Tuesday 4 September 2018

Bienvenue en 8e annee!

Bonjour tout le monde,

Welcome to the 2018/19 school year! I look forward to meeting and working with you and the students for this academic year.

Please take some time to review all the information in the enveloppe sent home tonight, as well as the class outline. All sheets are due back by Friday September 7th.

This week is a welcome week, which entails special activities and group work. Most classes will begin next week and a schedule will be sent home once core teachers review the periods.

Feel free to email me -or call at the number above when needed.

I look forward to a great year!

Friday 8 June 2018

Science Exam Reminder

Reminder about our cells exam. Please study the necessary information taught and reviewed in class.
 Date: Monday June 11th Day 4

8 FI B - P 1 & 2  
8 FI A -p 3 & 4 **STEAM WILL BE P. 7 INSTEAD OF 3 *
Bonne chance :)

Monday 28 May 2018

Science Review

Tomorrow we will be reviewing chapter 3 science (FI A first period, FI B- period 7). Please have your notes printed out or written on a paper because computers will not be available.

Wednesday 23 May 2018

Cells Unit Exam

Grade 8 Cells Unit Test/Exam

25 multiple choice questions  From chapters 1-3
-Questions will be more based on chapter 3 (3 questions from chapter 1, 3 questions from chapter 2)
-True and False questions as well
E.x. Cells are not the basis of life
  1. True
  2. False

-No questions on the microscope
DATE: Monday June 11th 2018
Day 4
8 FI A: Periods 6 &7
8 FI B: Peiords 1 & 2

Bonne chance :) 

French Student Survey

Friday 18 May 2018

Victoria Day Weekend Update

Bonjour tout le monde,

No immediate homework for over the weekend.

Drama films are due on Tuesday (extension granted from Friday). Many groups just need to edit their films.

STEAM project- 8 FIA project due Thursday May 31st.

History Projet- Monday June 4th

Science Exam- Monday June 11th.

Also, please submit Skyzone forms and Riverdale farm forms ASAP. Skyzone payments are to be done online by Tuesday. Skyzone waiver form is also needed before students can participate. Link is on the permission form. 

Have a good long weekend!

Monday 14 May 2018

Skyzone Permission Form

Please ensure the online waiver is signed and trip is paid for on Cash online. Due date for forms is Wednesday May 16th. Any questions, please don't hesitate to ask :) . 


Peek at this week

Tuesday May 15th- Google Doodle Due (@ end of period 8):

Wednesday May 16th- Inquiry Showcase: Presentations from our Inquiry projects in the fall.

Thursday May 17th- Cercle de lecture #3 due.

Friday May 18th- Drama due:


Students have seen their updated history, science and drama marks before the final projects/exam. I hope it is their responsibility to share their marks with you. Similar to term 1, an email/letter will go home in the beginning of June stating a grade lower than a level 2 (60%) to students. 

STEAM Project 8 FI A: Monday May 28th 2018

Projet d'Histoire FI A + B : lundi le 4 juin.

Science Exam: Monday June 11th 2018

Monday 23 April 2018

Spring Update

A very busy week ahead of us:

French- Students received their literacy circle books and tasks today-this will be the last book report of the year. They all know what they are doing and when they have to read what. Parents, please sign the sheet by Wednesday. They will have silent reading time every day 1 period 3 & 4 and time to work on their task day 2 p.1. Submissions in one google doc on the day 4 (May 3 , 10, 17 and 25).

Drama- Monologues on the story je ne suis pas un numero. Character description sheet, written monologue and presentations due on Monday April 30th. Do not come on April 30th (last minute) to ask me to print out your monologues.

Science- Test 8 FI A- Wednesday morning April 25th  8 FI B- Thursday Morning April 26th.

Art- Google Doodle work period on April 24th --> due May 15th (end of day).

Semi Formal is on Thursday April 26th @ 6 pm. 

Friendly reminder: When students are away for any reason (illness, sport activity, mural, grad video etc.) it is their responsibility to submit work in on time and get missed material, unless otherwise discussed with their teachers.  

Monday 16 April 2018

Peek at this week


  • English Story Telling p. 4
  • Last Mural work period in PM 


  • Retest on French Verbs
  • Grad Quotes due
  • Je ne suis pas un numero --> questions a finir (given last week) 
  • Passe Simple (tableau) into passe compose 
  • Residential School article : notes and identify sentences in passe simple and change into passe compose)
  • Dissertation d'histoire 
  • English: Favourite Moment 
Thursday- Junior Achievement 

  • Science Egg Project
  • French test on residential schools -->cheat sheet allowed of info on residential schools -info from story and article
  • Science Notes (on sentences from the blog) 
  • Earth day clean up in the afternoon

Friday 13 April 2018

Science Test Review- TEST ON April 26th

Here are some statements to review:

Living things have several characteristics that distinguish them from non-living things. 

Plant and animal cells have many similarities, but also have distinctive differences.

The cell membrane is a selectively permeable membrane. It regulates the movement of substances into and out of the cell.

Diffusion is one of the basic ways that substances move into and out of cells.  Movement of particles from a higher concentration to  lower concentration

Osmosis moves water into and out of cells.

Cells use special processes to move non-dissolved particles, or large amounts of material into and out of the cytoplasm,

There are 5 phases of cell division= Mitosis

Genetic Information to an organism is important. 

Research about cells, viruses and bacteria brought improvement to health care 

Be sure to be able to explain these.  

Francais-Je ne suis pas un numero

Lis l'histoire et reponds aux questions.

Wednesday 11 April 2018


It seems when I am away, we don't like doing our work.

That being said....

French- test tomorrow ( Multiple choice on using verbs for translations from the package given out on Monday).

Math-Test today/tomorrow.

History-Homework to be complete for tomorrow period 7 or else Test on Industrialization.
Dissertation- Next Wednesday 18th

Sci-Test Thursday April 19th
Lab Report- Friday April 20th

Again, history essay and lab report were extended by one week so students should be well on their way working on them and close to finish.

Think of a grad quote and fill out the google form on the previous post.

Tuesday 20 March 2018

Science Quiz- Friday March 23rd


Draw and label an animal and plant cell and know different organelle's function.

Happy studying!

Monday 19 March 2018


Voici le PDF:

Peek at the week

Welcome back! Hope March break was fun and relaxing.

A few reminders:

Health-We will be starting our healthy development unit this week. It should last approximately 2 weeks and will be taught in English.

French-Rapport de lecture- lecture: mercredi 7&8 per.  ecriture: jeudi 1er. per

Dance-Students will present their dances on Friday March 23rd. They may bring their speakers on Wednesday (p. 6) and Thursday (p. 6) to practice. 

History-Back at it! We took a little break to work with the microscopes in science. We will do a review and continue learning about Canadian expansion in the west.

Science- Continue with cells.

ALSO :8 FI A- Please submit Cafe Crepe forms ASAP. PDF:

Monday 5 March 2018

Format-Test de francais -le jeudi 8 mars

Test-Les Verbes Pronominaux


I. Donnez la forme du pronom réfléchi qui convient:    /5 
E.x.  Elle refuse de se maquiller.

II. Conjuguez les verbes au temps du verbe qui convient :   /10 

E.x. (se coucher → passé composé). Je me suis couché (e).

III . Mettez les verbes à l'impératif:    /5 

E.x. (se lever, vous) Levez-vous!

IV.  Composez un récit.   /10 

Bonne étude :) ! 

Friday 2 March 2018

Peek at next week before March Break!

Monday March 5th- Grade photo retakes in the morning. Microscope activity & Math test 8 FIA

Tuesday March 6th- Dance assignments due. Don't forget to share the 1 page handout (see older blog post).

Wednesday March 7th- Convenant House Presentation in the am.  Movie Critique due.

Thursday March 8th- Test de francais: les verbes pronominaux: au present, passe compose, imparfait, conditionnel pres., futur simple/

Bon weekend!

Thursday 1 March 2018

Compte Rendu Critique- Welcome

Voici la bande-annonce pour le film Welcome qu'on regardera demain:

Parents please note the film is rated 14A, and CineFranco's rating for the film is for grade 8-12s. If there are any issues please let me know.

Also students will be writing a movie critique. Here are there instructions:

Bonne redaction!

Sunday 25 February 2018

Monday February 26th -Bring bluetooth speaker : 8 FIA

Hi everyone,
I will be away tomorrow morning in a grade 8 team meeting. Students will have the first two periods to work on their dance inquiry. Therefore, they can bring their bluetooth speakers to practice.
Also, there are a number of outstanding trip forms for our trip on Friday. Please ensure they are submitted as soon as possible (PDF form on the blog). 

Enjoy the spring weather!

Tuesday 20 February 2018

Tuesday 13 February 2018

Dance periods tomorrow Feb 14 -BRING SPEAKER

Just a reminder that we have a double dance period tomorrow. Feel free to bring in a speaker to practice your dances (p 7 and 8).

Refer to post below of success criteria and what is expected.

Bonne chance !

Friday 9 February 2018

8 FI A Drama

La Confédération 1867

Tu es citoyen(nne) d’une colonie. Créer une publicité qui sera enregistrée à Ottawa le 1er juillet 1867 (c’est une fiction bien sur). Dans le cadre de cette émission tu passeras en revue les événements et les personnages qui ont participé activement à la création de la Confédération. Décris comment ta colonie à réagir envers la Confédération sous les points de vues des citoyens données.

La date limite: le 15 février 2018

8e annee -Quiz d'histoire

Date: mardi le 20 fevrier 2018- BOTH CLASSES

Format: 4 questions ; Jot notes ou phrases completes

Les Grandes Questions

1. Comment la vie a-t-elle changé en Amérique du Nord britannique?

2. Est-ce que la confédération était la meilleure option pour les colonies?

Sois précis, avec des exemples concrets

Bonne étude J  

Friday 2 February 2018

Look ahead next week

Monday Feb. 5th- Science notes are due BOTH CLASSES (refer to previous posts for outline).
                  -8 FIA Article discussion

 Tuesday Feb. 6th- Histoire - 8 FI B questions due

Wednesday Feb. 7th-By period 7 to submit what dance students will be researching and performing. They will have the two periods to work on it.

Thursday Feb. 8th- 8 FI A Debates  & Grad photos-period 6

Reminder that all homework should be complete to help your learning.

Friday 26 January 2018

Upcoming Important Dates


HISTOIRE: Read and take notes on chpt 1 (on blog) and answer the 6 questions for MONDAY January 29th


Review futur simple, futur anterieur, condtionnel, present et imparfait

FRENCH TEST- le 1 fevrier

Debate: Wednesday Feb. 7th & Thursday February 8th

SCIENCE: Find the different perspective that global warming is not real for Monday. Feb. 5th.


Thursday 25 January 2018

Grad Photos on Thursday February 8th 6th period

Both males and females must come on Thursday in a white dress shirt with a collar! Don't forget to look nice and smile :).  Graduating composites and photos can be ordered online.

Thursday 18 January 2018

8e annee histoire + Science

Chapitre 1 PDF:

Répondre aux questions suivantes:

1. Quel a été l'impact de l'augmentation rapide de la population canadienne sur la condition de vie des citoyens canadiens? 

2. Quel effet les lois sur l'esclavage sont-elles sur la population du Canada-Ouest? 

3. Comment la société canadienne a-t-elle change avec les autochtones?  

p. H13 # 1

p. H 28  #1 and #2 

Monday 15 January 2018

Water Systems Quiz- Thursday January 18th 2018

Format: Multiple Choice: True and False, fill in the blanks.

What to know:

Earths Supply of Water
How Does a Body of Water Affect Climate? 
The Effects of Ice on Water Systems
Natural and Human Factors Affecting Our Water Supply
Obtaining and managing water treatment (don't need to know every single step, just know an overall understanding).

Happy studying :)  

Thursday 11 January 2018

January 2018 Update + Look ahead

Tuesday January 16th- Health presentations to grade 6 classes. 3 more periods to work and practice
-First Nations Plasticine Art projet due.

Wednesday January 17th- Rough copy of lettre officielle (see below) to be complete.

Thursday January 18th- Final Copy of lettre officielle due. * to be printed*
-Science Quiz on Water

Friday January 19th- PA Day no school.


Please remember indoor shoes. Students cannot participate in gym or DPA in boots.

Report Card season is fast approaching. If there are any concerns or students receiving lower than a 60%, I will contact their family.