Thursday 31 October 2019

Gapminder/Dollar Street

1.Choisis deux familles sur GapMinder.
2. Décris  trois aspects de leurs qualités de vies qui seraient différents de celles des gens
dans une autre famille.
3. Comment te sentirais-tu devant ces différences?  
La date limite: le4 novembre

Friday 18 October 2019

Test de Geographie:

Test: le 30 octobre 2019

Il y aura 8 questions et tu choisis 4. 

Les Grandes Questions: 

1. Pourquoi s'intéresse aux structures démographiques et la croissance de population? 2. Comment l’environnement affecte les établissements humains?   3. Pourquoi s’intéresser a l'impact des établissement humains? 4. Comment on peut créer une communauté durable?

Ce qu'on a appris:

-Les différents types de communautés: urbaine/ rurale/ banlieue-l’urbanisation-Comment la population mondiale change-t-elle?-Des phénomènes naturels/le climat: comment ils influencent la populationles pays développé et les pays en voie de développementPourquoi les gens migrent? (=migrer: Facteur d’attirance/ d’incitation? Comment les établissements humains affect l'environnement?  -le développement durable ( les principes, la croissance intelligente, les defis, et des exemples -->Vancouver)

Science Quiz: Friday October 25th

Google FORM Quiz: 

Format 15 multiple choice questions (True and False as well) 

What you need to know:

-Fluids (what are they? different types, characteristics)
-What is viscosity..examples
-Flow rate
-Density/Buoyancy/ Archimedes' Principle


Tuesday 15 October 2019


From Ms. Shanks:

 I need to collect the isometric drawings tomorrow (Wednesday) at 3:18 since I'm away Thursday and I'll be seeing your class Friday?



Francais: feuilles de Passe Compose- demain 
Maths: Signe le test et trouve le pourcentage --DEMAIN
Geo: Durabilite- demain 

Science: Archimedes: Jeudi

Tuesday 8 October 2019

Geographie: Chapitre 4

Pour mercredi le 16 octobre: lis pg. 101, 102, 104.

Rempli le diagramme de venn sur la durabilité avec des exemples de TORONTO (sois précis!)

Thursday 3 October 2019

Test de maths-le mercredi 9 octobre

Tu dois étudier:

-Les Opérations sur les nombres entiers

-la priorité des opérations

Test de maths-le mercredi 9 octobre

Monday 30 September 2019

Health Assignment

Geographie -POUR DEMAIN

Faites une recherche sur une mégaville et sa population.
  1. Comment expliquerais-tu la hausse de l’étalement urbain? 
  2. Quels sont les facteurs (d’attirance ou d’incitation)?
  3. Pourquoi faut-il bien connaître l’étalement urbain?

Friday 27 September 2019

Devoirs -le 27 septembre

Maths: Signe le quiz
          -Additionne et Soustraction des # entiers (recto et verso)-lundi
Français : Rapport de lecture le 10 octobre (LIS TON LIVRE!!!)
          -Les Pronoms Possessifs –lundi
Geo : Question sur le blog (un paragraphe) : lundi
          2,4-Le Changement Climatique le tableau-lundi
SCI : Density Questions-Wednesday 

Porte un t-shirt orange --lundi! 

Wednesday 25 September 2019


5 minute video on how to draw an orthographic sketch that yo will adapt for your hydraulic lever (grade 8's).
Beginning orthographic drawing:  

Tuesday 24 September 2019

Science Question for Tomorrow

Why would someone working in quality control at Heinz Ketchup factory need to concern themselves with viscosity?

Question de Geographie

Choisis une region du monde. Fais une recherche sur les processus physique (inondations, tornade etc.) qui affectent sa population. Que font les populations pour contrer les effects de ces processus physiques?

Due: lundi le 30 septembre!

Les Nouvelles

Monday 23 September 2019

Quiz de maths

Quiz de maths aura lieu le 26  septembre 2019.

Je serai capable de:

    • exprimer un nombre composé comme le produit de facteurs premiers
    • calculer les puissances et la racine carrée d'un nombre 
    • exprimer et comparer des nombres à l'aide de la notation développée et de la notation scientifique 

Tuesday 17 September 2019

Friday 13 September 2019

Les Devoirs

Francais: La feuille du Present (recto et verso)! -lundi

Projet de STEAM

Geographie: Difference d;une ville urbaine/rurale; Quelle est la population d'East York et Toronto? -lundi

Sciences: Viscosity et Flow Rate -mardi

STEAM Assignment

Due: September 20th 2019

Tuesday 10 September 2019

La métamorphose-ART

Les critères de succès
Les 6 carreaux sont bien mesurés et égaux.
Il y a une progression évidente entre les images.
La progression commence par un objet et se transforme en animal.
Le dessin a été fait soigneusement. (Faites attention aux petits détails)
Les dessins sont bien placés dans les carreaux.
Les couleurs sont incorporées dans le dessin stratégiquement.

Le nom de l’artiste est écrit au verso de la page. 

Rapport de lecture #1

La date à remettre : le 10 octobre

Si tu as des questions, pose-les!

Quiz de maths: Geometrie -vendredi le 13 septembre

Pour le quiz j'ai besoin de savoir: 
  • les propriétés des polygones des solides et des solides platoniciens;
  • les relations entre les faces, les arrêtes et les sommets d'un polyèdre

Bonne étude! :) 

Wednesday 4 September 2019

Inscription à Netmath

Pour les maths, on utilisera netmath. 
Le code d'activation associé à note classe est  3WZZ-UMPZ
Chaque élève joindra ainsi notre classe en s'activant sur

Nom de la classe
8 FI A 

Friday 30 August 2019

Bienvenue à 8 FI A

Bonjour tout le monde,

Juste un petit mot pour vous souhaiter la bienvenue à mon site-web et à notre salle de classe.

Au plaisir de vous voir en classe mardi,

M. Mastorakos

Monday 3 June 2019

This week

Tuesday June 4th- Cercle de lecture presentations. Science- Stretches and exercises for different muscles.

Wednesday June 5th-Science full review. Ensure that all your notes are brought to class.

Thursday June 6th- History Final assignment due (see post below about the assignment).

Friday June 7th- PA Day :)

Monday June 10th- SCIENCE EXAM. Ensure that you study!!

Thursday 30 May 2019

Science and History

Science: All science work on organ systems will be fully looked at and discussed on Monday June 3rd (8FIA) and Tuesday June 4th (8FIB). Please ensure you come prepared with your work complete and any questions you have.


*New due date: June 6th 2019*

Monday 27 May 2019

This week

Tuesday May 28th- English Mythology due

Wednesday May 29th-Cercle de lecture due and presentations. Please make sure it is printed out before the start of day.

Thursday May 30th- Riverdale Farm trip? Weather depending.

Grade 8 Cells Unit Test/Exam

Grade 8 Cells Unit Test/Exam

25-30 multiple choice questions from chapters 1-3
-True and False questions
-1 long answer question
-Questions will be more based on chapter 3 (Organ and Organ Systems)
-A few questions from chapter 1 and chapter 2 (Cells, cell division etc.)

E.x. Cells are not the basis of life
  1. True
  2. False

-No questions on the microscope

DATE: Monday June 10th 2018
Day 4
8 FI A: Periods 3&4
8 FI B: Peiords 1 & 2

Tuesday 21 May 2019

This week

Wednesday-Presentation in the atrium p. 3 and 4 of your inquiry project.

Thursday-Laser Quest. Please bring in your forms, pay online and bring TTC money. You may bring money for lunch/snacks after our trip.

Friday-Health project due. 8FIB to present their history inquiry project.

Parents, I am still looking for a volunteer for our trip on Thursday. If you are available, please let me know!

Students also received a Riverdale Farm trip that we will be going on next Thursday May 30th. Please sign and return asap.

Tuesday 14 May 2019

STEAM Slides

Upcoming important dates

Tuesday May 21st- History Timeline Presentations (in class)

Wednesday May 22nd- History Timeline Presentations to grade 8s (in the atrium time TBD)

Thursday May 23rd- Trip to Laser Quest -8A + 8FIA

Wednesday May 29th- Cercle de Lecture Projects due

Wednesday 1 May 2019

Projet d'Histoire

Students have chosen a Canadian historical event to put on a timeline.

They are to ask a question, answer it, and have a photo of the event.

DUE: le 16 mai 2019

Cercle de Lecture

We have started our literacy circle unit. Students have been assigned novels and have chosen a task below.

Due date is May 29th.

Thursday 25 April 2019

SEMI FORMA: + Friday April 26th

As I am away on Friday for Orthodox Good Friday the plan is as follows:

1) You will receive a reading on Canada's contribution to WWI, please have the answers to the questions and the notes complete for Monday's class (8FIA) and Tuesday (8FIB). Also, for Monday and Tuesday is the reading and questions on Sir Wilfred Laurier.

2)  If you plan on being absent on Monday afternoon because of the semi-formal, please get your parents to email me, or bring in a letter on Monday. NO Phone calls will be allowed for sign out, as the office is expecting a high volume of absences on Monday afternoon.

3) You will receive your history project next week.

4) Clean up will be @ 2:30 @ Dieppe Park.

Bon weekend!

STEAM Notes -Gears & Levers

 The students will have a test the week of MAY 6

Wednesday 17 April 2019

Science Test-April 25th

Living things have several characteristics that distinguish them from non-living things. 

Plant and animal cells have many similarities, but also have distinctive differences.

The cell membrane is a selectively permeable membrane. It regulates the movement of substances into and out of the cell.

Diffusion is one of the basic ways that substances move into and out of cells.  Movement of particles from a higher concentration to  lower concentration

Osmosis moves water into and out of cells.

Cells use special processes to move non-dissolved particles, or large amounts of material into and out of the cytoplasm,

There are 5 phases of cell division= Mitosis

Genetic Information to an organism is important. 

Research about cells, viruses and bacteria brought improvement to health care 

Be sure to be able to explain these.  

Friday 5 April 2019

Test d'histoire

Le test d’histoire (chapitre 5 & 7)
La date: le 16, avril

Chapitre 5
-la signature de traite (la loi des Indiens)
-le développement de l’Ouest
-la construction d’un chemin de fer continental

Chapitre 7
-Lethbridge & Sudbury
-Comment les villes et les usines de sont-elles développées?
-Contributions remarquables

Partie 1: Knowledge & Understanding /10
Remplissage des blancs (12 mots pertinents aux sujets qu’on a étudié ensemble vous seront donnés. Remplissez les 10 blancs utilisant 10 de ces 12 mots)
Partie 2: Thinking and Communication /8
Vous choisirez entre deux tableaux-diagrammes. Vous répondrez aux questions reliées à votre image de choix.
Partie 3: Application /13
Vous répondrez aux trois questions en bien vous justifiant

Une question vient de la section sur des Premières Nations, une vient de la construction du chemin de fer transcontinental et le dernier vient des <<contributions remarquables>>.

Monday 25 March 2019

STEAM Assignment

As part of Canada’s contribution to The United Nations, you will design, build and demonstrate a model to present to the Federal government that will remove the waste from the Pacific Patch. Your solution would allow the waste to be removed quickly and safely and should not interfere with marine life.

Friday 22 March 2019

Homework for next week

Monday: Science Hypothesis Due + bring rough copy of book report for peer editing + Anne Frank Journal Responses

Tuesday: Monologue Due + Junior Achievement (all day)

Wednesday: Book report due


Friday: Monologue Presentations begin

Everyday you are to read at least 5 pages of Anne Frank : from Theo

Science Lab Experiment

Please press FILE and MAKE A COPY.. Do not write on this original.

Hypothesis is due on Monday and final assignment is due on TUESDAY.

Wednesday 6 March 2019

Thursday 14 February 2019

Mid February Update

FRANCAIS:  Rapport de lecture-le 25 fevrier

HISTOIRE: Test d'Histoire -le 26 fevrier

SCIENCES: Starting Cells Unit Next week

ARTS:  Drama skits on Confederation are due on Friday February 25th (Day 2 p. 7 &8). We will not do Visual Arts for 6 weeks, as we will start our dance unit in March during our Art period (Day 2 p. 7&8).

STEAM Assignment

Students may wish to explore the following examples for comparison:

Grad Photo retakes are on Wednesday February 27th 

Monday 11 February 2019


Tu es citoyen(nne) d’une colonie. Créer une publicité qui sera enregistrée
à Ottawa le 1er juillet 1867 (c’est une fiction bien sur). Dans le cadre de cette émission
tu passeras en revue les événements et les personnages qui ont participé
activement à la création de la Confédération.
Décris comment ta colonie à réagir envers la Confédération
sous les points de vues des citoyens données.

La date limite: le vendredi 22 fevrier 2019

Friday 1 February 2019

Les Devoirs pour le weekend

-Apporte ton live pour la lecture silencieuse

-9 questions d'histoire (du 1er chapitre)


-Les Debats (Pratique tes notes!)

Bon weekend!

Thursday 31 January 2019


French debates will take place on Tuesday February 5th.

Holocaust Museum trip is on Friday February 8th. Please submit trip forms and pay online asap!

For those students going to Leaside in grade 9:

Course selection in French has changed. Drama in French will be taken in grade 10 now instead of grade 9. If students wish to take drama next year, they are to choose ADA 101 (in English).

Here is the updated Leaside French Courses Options:


Wednesday 23 January 2019

Important Dates

January 24th-Science media sheet due and Math test; 

January 28- Grad pic day. Please come with a white collared shirt

February 5th- Debate day.

February 8th- Holocaust Museum trip 8A + 8FIA. Please return trip forms asap. 

February 13th- Report Cards go home; Art project due. 

February 14th & 15th- Parent Interviews 

Please remember indoor shoes. Students cannot participate in gym or DPA in boots.

Report Card season is fast approaching. If there are any concerns or students receiving lower than a 60%, parents will be contacted before reports are sent home.

Thursday 17 January 2019

Outside Play Information

Please take a look at this website:

 Roseneath Theatre is coming to present this play on Monday morning.

Friday 11 January 2019


Science Water Test - Thursday January 17th

15 questions: Multiple choice, fill in the blank and true and false.

Three statements to answer as a review are:

1.Water is crucial to life on earth.

2.Water systems influence climate and weather.

3.What is the impact of water systems on the environment and society?

Happy studying :)

Monday 7 January 2019

Science Weather Questions

Find the climate graphs of Toronto and Victoria BC. Which city has fewer average temperature extremes in a year?In which season is there greatest difference between the two cities? How would your daily life be different if you were living in Victoria ?