Thursday 25 April 2019

SEMI FORMA: + Friday April 26th

As I am away on Friday for Orthodox Good Friday the plan is as follows:

1) You will receive a reading on Canada's contribution to WWI, please have the answers to the questions and the notes complete for Monday's class (8FIA) and Tuesday (8FIB). Also, for Monday and Tuesday is the reading and questions on Sir Wilfred Laurier.

2)  If you plan on being absent on Monday afternoon because of the semi-formal, please get your parents to email me, or bring in a letter on Monday. NO Phone calls will be allowed for sign out, as the office is expecting a high volume of absences on Monday afternoon.

3) You will receive your history project next week.

4) Clean up will be @ 2:30 @ Dieppe Park.

Bon weekend!

STEAM Notes -Gears & Levers

 The students will have a test the week of MAY 6

Wednesday 17 April 2019

Science Test-April 25th

Living things have several characteristics that distinguish them from non-living things. 

Plant and animal cells have many similarities, but also have distinctive differences.

The cell membrane is a selectively permeable membrane. It regulates the movement of substances into and out of the cell.

Diffusion is one of the basic ways that substances move into and out of cells.  Movement of particles from a higher concentration to  lower concentration

Osmosis moves water into and out of cells.

Cells use special processes to move non-dissolved particles, or large amounts of material into and out of the cytoplasm,

There are 5 phases of cell division= Mitosis

Genetic Information to an organism is important. 

Research about cells, viruses and bacteria brought improvement to health care 

Be sure to be able to explain these.  

Friday 5 April 2019

Test d'histoire

Le test d’histoire (chapitre 5 & 7)
La date: le 16, avril

Chapitre 5
-la signature de traite (la loi des Indiens)
-le développement de l’Ouest
-la construction d’un chemin de fer continental

Chapitre 7
-Lethbridge & Sudbury
-Comment les villes et les usines de sont-elles développées?
-Contributions remarquables

Partie 1: Knowledge & Understanding /10
Remplissage des blancs (12 mots pertinents aux sujets qu’on a étudié ensemble vous seront donnés. Remplissez les 10 blancs utilisant 10 de ces 12 mots)
Partie 2: Thinking and Communication /8
Vous choisirez entre deux tableaux-diagrammes. Vous répondrez aux questions reliées à votre image de choix.
Partie 3: Application /13
Vous répondrez aux trois questions en bien vous justifiant

Une question vient de la section sur des Premières Nations, une vient de la construction du chemin de fer transcontinental et le dernier vient des <<contributions remarquables>>.