Tuesday 23 October 2018

Geography Test + Project

Test: le 30 octobre 8 questions , tu choisis 4. 

Les Grandes Questions: 

1. Pourquoi s'intéresse aux structures démographiques et la croissance de population? 2. Comment l’environnement affecte les établissements humains?   3. Pourquoi s’intéresser a l'impact des établissement humains?
4. Comment on peut créer une communauté durable?

Ce qu'on a appris:
-Les différents types de communautés: urbaine/ rurale/ banlieue
-Comment la population mondiale change-t-elle?
-Des phénomènes naturels/le climat: comment ils influencent la population
les pays développé et les pays en voie de développement
Pourquoi les gens migrent? (=migrer: Facteur d’attirance/ d’incitation? Comment les établissements humains affect l'environnement?  -le développement durable
les principes, la croissance intelligente, les defis, et des exemples -->Vancouver)


8 FI   A- https://docs.google.com/document/d/19l1pF2AHK0dJgasi1U90V5ByFEt_6b12HcEyex6kSyY/edit?usp=sharing

8 FI B- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EDJZD5s-SmAe7PWUjZSQ-Ip-_YQOfaswmVEjvTGg3jQ/edit?usp=sharing

La Date Limite: le 6 novembre

To read before Kensington Market field trip

Please read the following slide shows before going on Friday. You will have time on Wednesday to read through them in class. They are in order:





Wednesday 17 October 2018

Science Quiz Info

Thursday October 25th:

Format 15 multiple choice questions (True and False as well) 

What you need to know:

-Fluids (what are they? different types, characteristics)
-What is viscosity..examples
-Flow rate
-Density/Buoyancy/ Archimedes' Principle

Sections 7.1 7.2, 8.1, 8.2, 9.2  

Students may bring a calculator.. smart phone is fine but if used for searching up concepts during the quiz, the quiz will be taken away.

Bonne étude!

Monday 15 October 2018

This Week

Art: Molas are due anytime this week. Final deadline is October 19th @ 3:18 PM.

French/Drame: Students are working on a role play assignment. They may film it, or present it live. Due: October 25th.

Students received their 2nd book report. We are going to the library today to look for a book to start to read. Due: November 12th. 

Science: Testing of boats in water will take place on Wednesday. Here is the template for the lab report students will write:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1utj0USU4OVNrfsbFBFbOagHZFRqOq48brCjDj_RWkMI/edit?usp=sharing

 File and make a copy. It should not exceed two pages.
Lab Due: October 23rd.
Science Quiz: October 25th

Student Vote: for municipal elections will take place on Thursday. Please review the candidates, platforms and who to vote for. We are voting in Ward 14: Toronto-Danforth.

Reminder of our trip to Kensington Market next Friday October 26th. Please pay $7 online and return the form asap.

Thursday 11 October 2018

Science Fluids Update

Penny boat testing will take place on Wednesday October 17th (both classes). Lab assignments can be worked on in class and submitted up until October 23rd. 

Fluids quiz on Thursday October 25th: 

Format 15 multiple choice questions (True and False as well) 

What you need to know:

-Fluids (what are they? different types, characteristics)
-What is viscosity..examples
-Flow rate
-Density/Buoyancy/ Archimedes' Principle

Students may bring a calculator.. smart phone is fine but if used for searching up concepts during the quiz, the quiz will be taken away.

Bonne étude!


Tuesday 9 October 2018

Cette Semaine..

Devoirs pour mercredi:
  1. Rapport de lecture
  2. Feuille de francais (verso)
  3. Science: Density Questions

Devoirs pour jeudi:

  1. Feuilles de géographie
  2. English Creative Story